dear lottery

dear lottery

Dear Lottery,My heart races as I pen these words, a tremor of hope coursing through my veins. You, the elusive dream, the shimmering promise of a life transformed. Ive been playing for years, each ticket a prayer whispered into the wind, a chance to escape the mundane and embrace the extraordinary. Every Wednesday and Saturday, I find myself glued to the television, eyes wide with anticipation as the numbers are revealed. The familiar sting of disappointment, the echo of almost has become a ritual, a bitter reminder of what could be. Yet, I persist. The allure of a life free from financial worries, a life where dreams become reality, keeps me clinging to your fickle embrace. I imagine the possibilities: a cozy cottage by the sea, a trip around the world, the freedom to pursue passions long neglected.But dear Lottery, I know youre a capricious mistress. You offer a tantalizing glimpse of paradise, only to snatch it away at the last moment. Ive seen countless stories of those who won, only to lose it all, a cautionary tale etched in my mind. Perhaps its foolish to hold onto this dream, to cling to the illusion of a life transformed by a single stroke of luck. But even as reason whispers its doubts, a flicker of hope remains, a testament to the human desire for something more. So, dear Lottery, I continue to play, not for the riches you promise, but for the fleeting thrill of possibility, for the chance to believe, for the magic that whispers in the wind. Even if you never grant my wish, Ill keep chasing the dream, one ticket at a time.

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